Thursday, May 1, 2014

End of Spring Semester: we made it!

Ciao a tutti, 
The Great Beauty, 2013, P. Sorrentino

Well, the April 2014 screening of LA GRANDE BELLEZZA (2013) was a successful one, not just because you guys came to the movie night, but because your comments were so clever, thought-provoking, profound!
Paolo Sorrentino's film THE GREAT BEAUTY, winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film 2014, also gave us the opportunity to expand our discussions in our MAFIA IN THE MOVIES class. 
We compared it with THE CONSEQUENCES OF LOVE (Le conseguenze dell'amore, 2004), also by Sorrentino. Moreover, we made connections with Garrone's GOMORRAH (2008), since both filmmakers are interested in Naples, an extremely complex, problematic and exceptionally creative city.
As usual, movies give us a lot to think about and discuss about, this is why we like them so much!!!
Have a great summer and enjoy your well-deserved vacation!

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