Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Italian fiction doesn't go on vacation...

Ciao a tutti,

if you really miss some good Italian fiction during the Spring-Summer, besides the LRC collections and the Askwith Media Center (Shapiro Library), you can easily go to:


In the POLIZIESCO area, we particularly like "Il Commissario Montalbano":

Here the Italian actor Luca Zingaretti (photo) plays the role of a Commissario, a character created by the Italian writer Andrea Camilleri, whose stories are set in Sicily.

In the DRAMMATICO section you can watch "Giovanni Falcone", with the actor Massimo Dapporto (photo) playing the role of an anti-mafia magistrate, actually killed by Cosa Nostra in 1992.

In the STORICO section instead, watch "Le ragazze di San Frediano", adapted on the book of the same name by Vasco Pratolini, with beautiful actress Martina Stella (photo). You have already seen her in Gabriele Muccino's film "L'ultimo bacio"...don't you remember?
Buona visione!

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