Sunday, March 18, 2007

Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti

Ciao a tutti,
attenzione attenzione... the next film will be...:
"Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti" (Once You're Born You Can No Longer Hide, by Marco Tullio Giordana, 2005). It is in Italian with English subtitles; 115 minutes.
As usual, date, time and place will be:
Wednesday, March 21.
7:00 pm,
VVR room, 2nd floor MLB

Here is the Synopsis:
"One night, during a sailing trip through the Mediterranean, Sandro, the only son of a wealthy Italian entrepreneur, falls overboard. Although given up for dead, Sandro, instead, has been rescued by a fishing boat carrying illegal immigrants to Italian shores. Thus begins an adventuresome return to Italy, at the end of which nothing will ever be the same."

This film won 2 "globi d'oro" (read about it here:

Probably some of you may have already seen some other Giordana's movies, like "La meglio gioventù" and "I cento passi".
If you want to practice your Italian, you can read this "recensione" of the national newspaper LA REPUBBLICA:


Silvia said...

Un film che tratta un tema interessante e di attualita',l'immigrazione in Italia, da vedere e magari confrontare con altri film sull'argomento tipo Lamerica di G. Amelio o Ospiti di M. Garrone.
Andate a vederlo!

Anonymous said...

“Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti” is one of the best Italian films I have encountered. It is a story of a boy named Sandro who falls overboard while sailing and is rescued by a refugee boat. Throughout the film, Sandro is forced to mature and to survive on his own. It is a tale of friendship, trust, and adulthood with a surprising twist at the end. Some notable things about the film include outstanding cinematography and an amazing soundtrack.

Anonymous said...

"Quando sei nato non puoi piu nasconderti" is a great film. The beginning started out very interesting and made you think, "How would I have handled falling off a boat in the middle of the sea?" However, the ending of the movie was very abrupt. Where did the brother (Radu) go? Had he been exploiting his sister the whole time? One of the underlying themes of this movie is that you cannot trust anyone but yourself. Good Movie Overall!

Franco said...

Le recensioni che avevo letto non erano molto buone. Invece "Quando sei nato non puoi piu' nasconderti" mi e' piaciuto molto: mi e' piaciuta soprattutto l'umanita' dei personaggi, nel bene e nel male. Nulla e' scontato in questa storia. Il finale "sospeso" lascia aperte molte possibilita', come nella vita reale.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, this was the best movie that I have watched during the film series. "Quando sei nato non puoi piu nasconderti" makes you think outside of the box, and puts you in a much different perspective. I cannot imagine being Sandro, a thirteen year old who loses his family and has to adjust to living life with illegal immigrants. When he is in the holding facility, it was fascinating to see his attitudes towards the immigrants, as he views them as equals, and doesnt' understnad why they should not be allowed in. This movie is a great social commentary not just for Italy, but for the world, about the way people should treat others and not judge a book on its cover.

Robert in 232 said...

I thought that this was a very interesting film. The story of a young, rich, spoiled italian boy who learns the value of life and friendship over money was very compelling. I found the ending to be somewhat confusing but I feel that the boy realized that he had been naive and now understands that not everyone is a good honest person.

Anonymous said...

Now having see a fair number of Italian films, i'd have to say that "Quando sei nato non puoi piu nasconderti" was by far my favorite. I enjoyed the intriguing plot and was constantly asking myself, "What will happen next?" This however, let to a little bit of let down, as in the end not much was revealed. I was hoping for a more concluding ending, however I see how this ending let me to think more about the characters and conditions presented in the film. It was overall a fantastic film.

Anonymous said...

ora funzionano entrambi, l’rss2 è di nuovo visibile, fiù

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